John's Journal...

Micro-Manage Deer

Keep Hunting Pressure Off

Click to enlargeEditor’s Note: "A 60-acre lease can provide all the land you and your friends need to bowhunt or gun hunt successfully - if the lease is the right 60 acres," says Jim Crumley of Roanoke, Virginia, founder of Trebark camouflage. "If plenty of deer are passing through the property, and if you can shoot accurately for at leasClick to enlarget 20 yards in every direction, then all the land you need to take white-tailed deer consistently is about 40-square yards." The rest of the week we’ll learn tactics to use to micro-manage deer successfully.

People often ask Dr. Grant Woods, one of the nation’s leading deer nutritionists and wildlife researchers, "How do you micro-manage and harvest big bucks and plenty of does without increasing hunting pressure?" Woods offers three solutions:

* "Manage the pressure on your green fields by alternating hunting options. For example, if you have 20-green fields on the property you hunt, permit hunting in only 10 of those green fields during one weekend. Hunt the other 10-green fields on the following weekend.

* "Hunt one side of a road that runs through the center of your hunting camp property one week and the opposite side of the road the next week.

* "Take only the does in the woods, and never hunt does in the green fields, when you're harvesting does. By using this system, the green fields will become sanctuaries, and you'll be more likely to Click to enlargetake a quality buck."

Adopt A Benevolent Lease Government:

For success when micro-managing deer on small acreages, you must use the benevolent dictator form of government to manage your lease. This person will make all the rules, settle the disputes and initiate the deer-management Click to enlargeprogram - for all the hunting that occurs on the lease. For consistency in lease management, hunting regulations and deer production, one person in charge can establish the hunting philosophy of the lease and the management systems by which the lease will harvest and produce game. Then everyone will experience less bickering and more-enjoyable hunts. If you decide to micro-manage a small acreage for your sole use, then appoint yourself the benevolent dictator. However, if three or more hunters lease property together, they need to designate one person as the benevolent dictator. You don't need 10,000 acres to have quality deer hunting. You can have great success hunting intensively-managed small acreages. Spend the time required to find land with the potential for you to micro-manage that property successfully. Then develop that land to help it produce deer for you and some of your friends each season. You can have the finest quality hunting for deer available anywhere by micro-managing a deer herd.

Check back each day this week for more about "Micro-Manage Deer"

Day 1: You Can Hunt Successfully On Small Acreages
Day 2: Keep the Deer at Home
Day 3: Pick the Best Spots
Day 4: Determine the Harvest and Keep Quiet
Day 5: Keep Hunting Pressure Off


Entry 527, Day 5