John's Journal...


Dove Hunting After Opening Day

EDITOR'S NOTE: Decoying and calling doves makes dove hunting an exciting, fun-filled sport. It also allows the land-bound hunter to experience the thrills of waterfowl-type hunting, calling and decoying, while actually hunting doves. It makes the sport of Click to enlargedoveing on the same level as good waterfowling without the inclement weather. Dove season will open soon all across the U.S. This week we’ll give you tips and information to help you enjoy better dove hunting this fall.

After opening day of dove season, the sportsman must ask himself ...
* where do the doves roost,Click to enlarge
* where and when do the doves feed,
* where and when do the doves gravel and
* where do the doves water? To learn the answers to these questions, ride the roads, and watch the doves along the sides of the roads. If you can determine the birds' routines, then you can begin to answer these questions. To learn about the doves on the land you plan to hunt, talk to the landowner. Usually a landowner Click to enlargecan tell you where and at about what time he usually sees doves. From this information, you can work out a hunt plan.

To take the most doves, you must position yourself along the routes the doves fly to food, water, gravel and the roost. Often, just taking a position along the doves' normal flight pattern will provide some good shooting. But many times the doves won't come in close enough to allow the shooter a close-range target. Often too, doves will loaf that don't want to go to water, gravel or the roost in the hunter's gun range.


Check back each day this week for more about “HOW TO DECOY AND CALL DOVES”

Day 1: Dove Hunting
Day 2: Dove Hunting After Opening Day
Day 3: Dove Decoying
Day 4: Moving Doves from the Water to the Field
Day 5: Making Your Spreads for Doves



Entry 315, Day 2