John's Journal...


Knowing How Deep The Bass Go And Where They Don't Go

Click to enlargeEDITOR'S NOTE: According to Rick Clunn of Missouri, four-time Bassmasters Classic winner and the newly-named best bass fisherman of all time by bass fishing fans across the world, "How to fish a new lake is one of the most-common questions asked by anglers.” “I particularly hear this question when I'm giving seminars. I never remember having a seminar where someone didn't ask me how to fish a new lake," Ken Cook of Meers, Oklahoma, former fisheries biologist, Megabucks tournament winner and Bassmasters Classic Champion in 1991, told me. "If I had to pick one question I can bet on being asked at any seminar I go to, it is about how to fish a new lake," Larry Nixon of Bee Branch, Arkansas, former winner of Click to enlargethe Bassmasters Classic, told me. Apparently everyone is seeking the answer to the same question. But one question that always should precede how to fish a new lake is, "What information should I have about a lake before I go to fish it?" If you have the proper knowledge about a lake before you arrive at a lake, then your chances of successfully catching bass will be far greater.

Certain sections of some lakes don't produce bass. Perhaps there is an acid runoff from strip mines, no structure for the fish to associate with, or just a region that for some unknown reason never has Click to enlargeproduced bass. By finding out this information from the fisheries biologists ahead of time, you may be surprised at the places you can eliminate fishing on your lake map. Also fisheries biologists most likely will be able to tell you the parts in the lake that have produced the most bass and how deep the oxygen content is found in the lake. Bass can't live without oxygen. If the oxygen level in the lake only goes down 20 feet, then you know that most of your fishing will have to be done above that depth. However, if you are angling a deep, clear, western lake where oxygen may be Click to enlargepresent at 50- or 60-feet deep, and the bass normally hold at that depth, then you realize the types of areas you may have to fish and the kinds of baits that will be the most productive. This information saves time for an angler on a new lake. The most-critical key to catching bass on a new lake is how effectively you use the time you have on the water to fish. The more information you can gain, and the more water you can eliminate, then the more time you can spend in regions that will yield fish.


Check back each day this week for more about WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT A LAKE BEFORE YOU GET THERE

Day 1: Why Fish A New Lake?
Day 2: Learning Seasonal Migration Patterns and Narrowing the Lake
Day 3: Rising or Falling? The Lake's Water Situation
Day 4: Knowing How Deep The Bass Go And Where They Don't Go
Day 5: Using Aerial Reconnaissance



Entry 313, Day 4